Make your Manfrotto RC2 Quick Release Plate R-Strap ready with Manfrotto RC2 Quick Release Plates
Eliminates the need to remove the quick-release plate
orks with all current R-Strap models, allowing you to move between handheld and Monopod/Tripod with ease
Includes replacement bolt, C-clip, spacing washers and instructions
Make your quick release plate R-Strap ready. Easily go from R-Strap to tripod or monopod. The FastenR-T1 (FR-T1) is the solution to using your favorite R-Strap with Manfrotto RC2 quick release plates. Strong. Secure. Confident. The R-Strap is the most innovative camera strap ever to hit the market.This patent-pending piece of equipment offers unparalleled ease of access to your camera and peace of mind. The R-Strap is worn diagonally across the torso from shoulder to hip and is adjustable to fit most photographers.The pad has a mesh underside for comfort and breathability. Our locking FastenR connects the R-Strap to the tripod socket located on either the camera body or the lens.Once connected, the camera hangs upside down, resting securely at your side or in the small of your back, with the lens pointing behind you. With the camera at your hip or behind your back, you can maneuver easily through a crowd, carry a tripod or other gear, or simply have both hands free.When you're ready to take the shot, the camera quickly glides up the strap into shooting position. Brand: BlackRapid, Model: RFH-1E0, Color: black, Size: 1 Count
Custom Tab 01
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