The BlackRapid Street Breathe Camera Strap is designed to be worn across a right-handed user's body, draped from the left shoulder to the right hip. A connected camera can then rest upside-down along the hip so that it can be quickly raised for use. Incorporating a thin, moisture-wicking shoulder pad with seamlessly integrated webbing, this strap weighs 3.4 ounces and is built to provide most photographers with a lightweight, comfortable, and versatile carrying solution for one camera. To attach to a camera or a lens, the BlackRapid Street Breathe Camera Strap features a durable, brass and zinc-alloy CR-4 ConnectR locking carabiner. An included BlackRapid FR-5 FastenR Breathe creates a connection point using a camera or lens's 1/4"-20 tripod mount. The FR-5 FastenR Breathe has a large, integrated D-ring for easy use with BlackRapid straps that utilize a CR-4 ConnectR. The length of this strap is adjustable from 36.0 to 61.0" and its nylon webbing measures up to 0.4" wide. A nylon pouch is included for storage and transport, as well as a plastic BlackRapid Lockstar Breathe Carabiner Protector, which is compatible with BlackRapid straps that feature a CR-4 ConnectR locking carabiner. By folding over a CR-4 ConnectR, the Lockstar Breathe prevents unintentional user contact with a CR-4 ConnectR that could cause it to accidentally unlock. Additionally, it helps to block the metal surface of a CR-4 ConnectR from scratching a connected camera or lens. Brand: BlackRapid, Model: 020667, Color: black
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