Black & Decker Christmas Tree Smart Stand with 6-Liter Reservoir, Extra-Large

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  • The only tree stand that allows you to easily set up in 10 seconds! No screws, no pedals and no hassle!
  • 20.71" extra-large tree stand, base weight 6.23 lbs
  • Easy-fill water reservoir conveniently holds up to 1.58 gallons
  • Razor-sharp steel blades provide maximum security
  • Secures any tree up to 11' tall and trunks with 5.7" in diameter
  • 3-year warranty
  • To ensure your tree is fully secured, be sure to fully lock the blades in place.

  • The BLACKDECKER Smart Stand XL is guaranteed to have your tree up within 10 seconds! No assembly required, no screws to tighten, and no additional help is needed for the task. Simply lock the steel blades in place and insert the trunk into the base, the weight of the tree securely mounts it within seconds. It's really that simple. The Smart Stand XL is suitable for trees up to 11 ft. tall and 5.2 inches in diameter. The easy-fill water reservoir makes upkeep effortless and when you're ready to take the tree down, removal is just as painless. Now, if only shopping for the kids was this easy…
    Brand: Bond, Model: BD3026, Size: Extra-Large Smart Christmas Tree Stand

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