Bird B Gone Reflective Scare Bird Diverter (Set of 5)

Bird B Gone
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  • Economical humane bird deterrent
  • Iridescent foil predator eye scares pest birds away
  • Made of durable plastic for outdoor use
  • Ideal for use in trees, overhangs, gazebos, patios, house eaves, and boats
  • Swivel attachment allows the bird diverter to rotate 360 degrees for added effectiveness

  • Bird B Gone Reflective Scare Bird Diverters are visual bird deterrents used to scare pest birds away from trees, patios, gardens, house eaves, gazebos, fruit trees, overhangs, boats, and more. The mock predator eye and shiny reflective surface work together appealing to the birds' visual sense to scare birds. When birds see the mock predator eye and shiny reflective surface on the bird diverter, they will become frightened and confused and want to avoid the treated area. These are visual bird deterrents and should be hung using twine, string, or rope, right in front of and around problem areas. When hanging the Reflective Scare Bird Diverter, alternate the lengths and space the diverters between 2 to 3 feet apart. Reflective Scare Bird Diverters can be hung in trees, from masts, spreaders, balcony covers, gazebos, and other areas. Each Reflective Scare Bird Diverter is tear-drop shaped and includes a swivel attachment which allows the bird diverter to rotate 360 degrees for added effectiveness. Each bird diverter measures 5 inches long and 3.5 inches wide and are sold 5 per pack.
    Brand: Bird B Gone, Model: MMSED-5, Color: One Color, Size: Glossy Exclusive Paper

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