Big Joe Original Bean Bag Chair, Spicy Lime

Big Joe
In Stock


Brand Big Joe
Model 0640185
Color Spicy Lime Smartmax
Size 46.00 x 58.00 x 12.00 Inches

  • This Big Joe bean bag chair is made with SmartMax Fabric: Tough, stain resistant, water-resistant, and easily cleaned with damp cloth
  • Lightweight bean bag makes it easy to Grab and Go with your Big Joe, whether you're watching TV in the living room, studying in your room, or playing games in the basement.
  • Covers are double stitched, and sealed with two safety locking zippers, making this refillable bean bag durable and safe.
  • Filled with UltimaX Beans that conform to you, not the other way around. Covers are re-fillable, and UltimaX refill beans are sold separately.
  • Designed and Filled in the USA in a Zero Landfill Facility

  • Get ready to be comfortable in versatility with the Big Joe Original bean bag chair. Easy to clean fabric makes this chair a great fit in kids rooms, dorm rooms, basements, bedrooms - or any room! Its lightweight and adaptable shape makes it easy to grab and go from room to room, whether you're hanging with friends, watching TV, reading, or just cruising the internet. Lay it flat for a pillow-like experience, or prop it on its sides for various chair-like shapes. Stash it under your bed or behind your sofa if you need to save on space when not in use. It's the nature of every bean bag to go flat over time, but if you feel your bag has gone flat unreasonably soon, give our Customer Service team a call and they can help you out! As with all Big Joe bean bag chairs, its sealed with 2, safety locking zippers for child safety - but don't worry! If you need to add more filling, just take a look at the tag sewn into every bag, it shows how a paper clip or safety pin can unzip the bag to refill it with fresh beans. And while we're talking beans, did you know that our beans are 100% recyclable, and are made from 80% recycled materials Big Joe loves being green almost as much as we love making you feel comfortable. But we don't stop with you or Mother Earth. 10% of all profits are donated back into the community. When Big Joe says "Comfort For All!" - we mean it!

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