BIC Cristal Xtra Bold Ballpoint Pen, Bold Point (1.6mm), Blue, 12-Count

SKU: EZFB00347A984
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  • A bolder version of the classic BIC Cristal pen
  • 1.6mm bold point creates vivid lines that stand out on the page
  • Translucent smoked barrel allows easy monitoring of remaining ink supply
  • Easy-Glide System ink delivers smooth ink flow and creates bold, vivid lines
  • Hexagonal barrel is roll-proof and rests comfortably in hand
  • Features 1.6mm ball point for extra smooth and extra bold writing
  • Smoothest and boldest Cristal ever
  • Color: Blue ink
  • Clear barrel for visible ink supply
  • Non-refillable pen

  • Enjoy ultra-smooth ink flow and a fluid, effortless writing experience with BIC Cristal Xtra Bold Ballpoint Pens. Featuring a translucent smoked barrel that keeps ink supply visible, these pens offer a sleek and modern twist on the classic BIC Cristal pen design. Each pen comes equipped with a 1.6mm bold point that creates striking, vivid lines. The Easy-Glide System ink technology delivers exceptionally smooth ink flow while enhancing vividness, making the pens ideal for adding bold flair to drawings and notes. With their iconic hexagonal barrels, BIC Cristal Xtra Bold Ballpoint Pens offer a firm and comfortable grip and won't roll off flat surfaces.
    Brand: BIC, Model: MSB11-Blu, Color: Blue

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