Beverly Oaks Charged Black Tourmaline Crystal Complete Kit - Tourmaline Stone For EMF Protection and Grounding - Three Raw Tourmaline Chunks, Orgonite Pyramid, Selenite, Gemstone Pyramid and Obelisk

Beverly Oaks
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  • THE ULTIMATE MULTIPURPOSE TOURMALINE STONE SET. This kit is perfect collection of black tourmaline for beginners and veterans alike. We've included a hand picked assortment of the most popular forms of the stone. You can use it for crystal gridding, meditation, gemstone decoration, cleansing and much more.
  • POWERFUL TOURMALINE HEALING CRYSTALS. Tourmaline crystal is said to help absorb and repel negative energy. It is particularly effective at building self-esteem via the dampening of negative mental chatter and excessive self-criticism. All the stones in the kit have been charged and cleansed prior to shipping.
  • ORGONITE PYRAMID FOR EMF PROTECTION. Orgonite is expressly built to combat the effects of "Deadly Orgone Energy" which can lead to fatigue, irritability and lack of concentration, while enhancing "Positive Orgone Energy" giving way to a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
  • SELENITE FOR CHARGING AND CLEANSING. Selenite is the perfect cleansing stone. It's best used to cleanse both yourself and your healing crystals. It has the ability to both draw out negative energy and infuse positive energy. For that reason, it's an absolutely essential part of any crystal collection.
  • WE LOVE OUR CUSTOMERS! If you're in any way shape or form, unhappy with your purchase we'll provide you with a full refund.

  • Black Tourmaline is known to help with the following: Absorbing and repelling negative energy Transforming negative mental chatter into positive motivation Improving self-confidence and mitigating fear More information: Zodiac - Libra and Taurus Element - Water Chakra - Throat Chakra Planet - Saturn
    Brand: Beverly Oaks

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