Betty Crocker Super Moist Cake Mix Red Velvet 15.25 oz Box

Betty Crocker
Out Of Stock


  • As Always...Pudding in the Mix!
  • Bowl to Oven in minutes.
  • Just add oil, water, and eggs.
  • Red Velvet
  • Makes one 13" x9" pan, two 8" rounds, or two 9" rounds.
  • Easy to prepare; just add water, oil, and egg
  • Box Tops for Education on every package
  • Kosher Dairy

  • Bake life sweeter with Betty Crocker cake mixes. Bring a homemade taste to your next celebration by baking a fresh and delicious Betty Crocker cake. Celebrate birthdays and special occasions or, make for those “just because” moments. There's never not a good time to eat cake! Easy to prepare; just add water, oil, and egg. Get Your Betty On with Red Velvet Cake mix! Thank you for welcoming us into your home. We hope what's inside this box helps you bring more love to your table. Cordially Yours, Betty Crocker
    Brand: Betty Crocker, Model: 10005054, Size: 15.3 oz

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