Bears - 16x20 Fuzzy Velvet Coloring Poster

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  • 16" x 20" inches
  • Super-fine black velvet
  • Individually hand wrapped & rolled in plastic
  • Shipped carefully so items DO NOT BEND

  • This rugged forest scene captures a momma bear and her cubs doing a little fishing. The vigilant momma has a keen eye out for any sign of danger. You can almost smell the scent of the pine trees and hear the rushing water of the crystal clear stream.These large velvet, or flocked, posters provide great coloring guides for artists of all ages. The black flock gives incredible contrast to your colors and helps the design come to life. Coming in at 16" x 20", the posters are made with super-fine black flock. The materials can take any sort of coloring you're willing to throw at it. From darker inks or even crayons, these posters are perfect for artists of all ages who love to color.
    Brand: Stuff2Color, Model: 1022

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