Bearington Illie Willie Get Well Soon Teddy Bear 10"

Bearington Collection
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  • 10" adorable Illie Willie, dressed in blue striped pajamas, handkerchief and embroidered "Get Well Soon"
  • Makes the perfect get well gift for him, her kids or anybody else
  • Weighted feet, fully jointed arms and legs for pose-ability
  • Perfect way to express sympathy for hospital stays, emergency room visits, everyday illnesses, makes the ideal cuddle companion
  • From the award winning Bearington Collection, realistically detailed using highest quality plush materials

  • You will love the fine detail award winning Bearington Collection uses to bring Illie Willie the Get Well Soon Teddy Bear to life. Hand crafted using the most luxurious, soft plush, this teddy bear is perfect for everyone from the collector to a special child in your life. Soft and pose-able, Illie Willie will make the perfect get well present and companion. Founded in 1997, Bearington is the proud recipient of more distinguished design awards than any other teddy bear company. Over the years, Bearington has received more than 100 industry design awards and nominations which include: 1 Canadian Collectible of the Year Award, 2 NALED Plush of the Year Nominations, 2 CIB Collector's Choice Awards, and several TOBY Industry Choice Awards, TOBY Public Choice Awards, and Golden Teddy Awards and Nominations. 10" Ages 3 and up.
    Brand: Bearington Collection, Model: 1712

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