Filled with 100% US Grown Organic Buckwheat Hulls and 100% Natural Unbleached Cotton.
May relieve common sleeping problems such as; tension, muscle pain, stiff neck, headache and stress
Will conform and adjust perfectly to your head, neck, and spine. Will NOT collapse like foam.
The buckwheat hulls allow air to circulate throughout the pillow. Cooling it off quickly.
The Buckwheat pillow is a natural alternative to anyone with foam and feather allergies.
Thank you for stopping by. I appreciate that you are taking the time to look here. In Japan when we want pillows we go to a pillow maker. Unfortunately for me, while living in this country I found it virtually impossible to find an authentic Japanese buckwheat pillow, so I decided to create and manufacture my own based on my own lifetime experience. I have been using buckwheat pillows just like the one I'm selling here, since I was a small child in Japan, and I can't sleep without it! I believe that once you try this pillow you will never sleep on a "regular" pillow again! No more tossing and turning all night long! You will feel the difference that buckwheat hulls make. These are the best Buckwheat Pillows. High QUALITY, designed, and fabricated by genuine Japanese. I've hand picked the very best American grown buckwheat hulls, they are locally grown and harvested, and they have been cleaned using a triple cleaning process to remove dust, buckwheat flour, and debris from amongst the hulls. 100% organic, grown totally without pesticides or herbicides. Nothing, absolutely-no additives. I use the highest quality 100% unbleached cotton fabric for the pillow case, comfortable texture, very durable yet very smooth to sleep on. Also, this pillow includes a zipper to allow you the option of removing hulls and adjusting the pillow to fit your exact needs. Brand: Beans72 Buckwheat Pillows, Color: Natural_Unbleached_Cotton, Size: King Size 20" x 36" US Standard Bedding Size
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