Beadsmith PLHP18 Metal Hole Punch Pliers for Sheet Metal, 1.8mm

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  • Quantity: 1 Piece
  • Create a smooth, clean hole without barbs or rough edges
  • Made of steel; Rubber handles

  • These pliers punch a 1.8mm hole in metal sheet stock up to 22 gauge. They create a smooth, clean hole without barbs or rough edges. Plus, with the gauge guard, the area around the hole will be free of unsightly indentations! Instructions for using the gauge guard: Hold the pliers shut. When properly adjusted, there should be enough space to insert your metal piece between the widest part of the pin and the bottom jaw of the pliers with a little extra room left over. If the metal doesn't fit or if there's no extra space, simply expand the jaw opening a little farther by turning the gauge guard screw to the right. (Turn right for heavier gauges and left for lighter gauges.) NOTE: If the adjustment screw is not properly set, you may cause damage to your pliers due to extra stress and tension on the plier jaws. Measurements: 6" long and 2.25" wide at the handle. The hole punch is 1.8mm in diameter and will go through 22 gauge wire or thinner. Includes one bonus replacement pin. Quantity: 1 BeadSmith 1.8mm metal hole punch plier.
    Brand: Beadsmith, Model: PLHP18, Color: 1.8mm (.0714"), Size: 1.8mm-(.0714")

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