Bb Secure A Toy 2 Ct Size Ea

Baby Buddy
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Brand Baby Buddy
Color Red

  • Bb Secure A Toy 2 Ct Size Ea

  • Baby Buddy's Secure-A-Toy safety strap keeps favorite, much-loved toys and pacifiers close at hand and from dropping on the floor or ground. As much as babies love to drop toys from highchairs, strollers, and car seats to watch parents continually bend over and pick them up again, the Secure-A-Toy lets babies play this game without risk of losing toys or pacifiers, especially when out in public. Keep toys and pacifiers safe and clean by preventing them from coming in contact with a dirty floor. The Secure-A-Toy is designed to simply snap onto a toy, teether, snack trap, plush toy, pacifier, etc., and secure the other end to a car seat, highchair, carrier, shopping cart, stroller, or wherever baby is harnessed. Two adjustable lengths let you customize how far a toy or pacifier can hang from the strap, and a variety of color options let you accessorize any color scheme you have. The Secure-A-Toy is also completely machine washable in mesh bag to make your life even easier.

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