Durability and safety tested for the toughest situations
Designed in the USA with quality materials
Used in tactical, outdoor, Recreation levels
Hold Cords Up to 150-Feet Long
Includes Easy-To-Use Integral Cord End-Hook
Flexible and Temperature-Resistant
Great for Holiday Lights, Rope or Other Items that Can be Wound
Bayco is the Established Leader in Next Generation Task Lighting System
The Cord Wrap is an excellent and simple way to wind and store just about any kind or a cord. It will hold up to 150 feet of 16/3 extension cord, but don't let that limit your usages for this versatile storage device. Rope, short lengths of hose or chain, even strings of holiday lights are easily rolled up, organized and stored with the Cord Wrap. The Integral Cord End Hooks makes it simple to secure the ends of the cord as well. Made from shatter and temperature resistant thermoplastic, the Cord Wrap will hold up year after year. Brand: Bayco, Model: K-150, Color: Orange
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