Batman, Superman, Justice League DC Superhero Figure Soft Foam Ball Toys Collection of 12 by Super Hero

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  • Collection of 12 DC Superheros and Villain Soft Play Foam Balls. These soft foam balls are great for play, are water proof and float. You can squeeze them like stress balls.
  • They are about 2 inches in diameter and are 2-sided with different colorful artwork on each side.
  • You get 12 fun balls in all and there will be some duplicates. With 12 fun balls, there are plenty to play with, trade and collect! They also make great party favors!
  • These feature some of the most popular DC Superheros of all time including Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash and even the villainous Joker.
  • These are for children and adults 4 and older! These fun foam balls are great for any DC Superhero fan and also make a really neat unique gift!

  • DC Comics Super Heroes Squad Foam Balls Squishies, Collectibles, brand new, Measuring approximately 2" in diameter. They are great to collect, great for gifts, party favors and decorations, .. even great as stress balls. Fast shipping. Delivery tracking included.
    Brand: CollectsNHobbies

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