Ballistol Multi-Purpose Lubricant Cleaner Protectant Combo Pack #1

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  • 1-16oz. Non-Aerosol Can, 1-Trigger sprayer, 1-6oz
  • Perfect for lubricating and protecting firearms and just about anything else
  • Preserves and protects metal, wood, leather and plastics
  • Biodegradable; won't harm the environment
  • Slightly alkaline in nature; neutralizes the effect of sweat and skin oils

  • Ballistol was developed for the German Army who requested an oil that would lubricate, clean, protect and preserve firearms and gun stocks as well as preserve leather gear. It is unmatched for cleaning firearms and minimizes the need for brushing and scraping barrels and chambers. It forms a protective film on the surface of metals and is capable of creeping into the finest cracks and fissures making Ballistol and excellent "penetrant" to help loosen frozen nuts and bolts. It will even protect wet surfaces! Unlike most lubricants, Ballistol emulsifies with water; when the water evaporates, Ballistol stays behind to protect the metal, plastic, wood or leather. Ballistol will keep all smooth leathers soft and moisturized (do not use on suede). It is also non-toxic and biodegradable; neither its use, disposal or decomposition will produce any byproducts that are harmful to the environment. Coca Cola and many of Germany's famous breweries use Ballistol as does Bizerba, one of the largest precision scale manufacturers, who specifies Ballistol because it never gets sticky or increases friction over time. It's also a great silver and brass polish. Human sweat and skin oils are slightly acidic; their effect is similar to the etching process. Ballistol is slightly alkaline and neutralizes this effect. Of course Ballistol is also perfect for all the household chores any normal oil will do, but why settle for a "normal" oil when you can have one product that does so much more.
    Brand: Ballistol, Model: CP1

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