Baby Nasal Aspirator NoseFrida the Snotsucker by Fridababy – Baby Shower Gift and Registry essential

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  • PEDIATRICIAN ENDORSED BABY NASAL ASPIRATOR - Doctor invented nasal aspirator that uses parents' own suction to safely and effectively clear stuffy noses.
  • HYGIENIC - Disposable filters are clinically proven to prevent the transfer of mucus or bacterial germs to the snot sucker when clearing stuffy noses.
  • COMFORTABLE & NON-INVASIVE - NoseFrida creates a seal with the outside of the baby's nostril for seamless gentle snotsucking.
  • DISHWASHER SAFE - The nasal tip, red mouthpiece, and filter cap are top-rack dishwasher safe allowing for the baby aspirator to be easily sterilized.
  • MADE IN SWEDEN and is BPA & Phthalate free.
  • BABY REGISTRY must have. NoseFrida is a baby essential to keep your baby comfortable and fuss free.

  • Nose Frida the snot sucker is an easy, natural way to keep baby snot free. Just use your own suction to draw mucus out of the baby's nose. The disposable filters prevent any bacterial transfer. It is risk-free, more effective than a bulb aspirator and easy to clean. Use one to keep your toddler's nose free from any congestion. Features:- Non-invasive- bpa and phthalate free- easy to clean, top-rack safe- hygienic due to the integrated filters (4 included)- made in Sweden product dimensions: 7.1 x 3 x 1 inches, 0.2 ounces.
    Brand: FridaBaby, Model: Nasal Aspirator, Size: No Additional Hygiene Filters

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