Baby K'tan Organic Baby Carrier, Natural, Medium

Baby K'tan
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  • If you are in between sizes, size down
  • Over 6 positions from preemie to preschool (35 pound )
  • 100% certified organic cotton, the double Sling design provides extra security for baby and privacy while nursing, with quick adjustability for maximum comfort
  • No wrapping, no hardware, rests comfortably on both shoulders, and an adjustable back support band makes this carrier easy to use; instructional manual included
  • Recommended by doctors, and comes in hip gender neutral colors
  • Machine washable and dryer safe

  • The Baby K'tan Organic Baby Carrier is an innovative GOTS certified soft cotton baby carrier that is an ideal blend of a sling, wrap and carrier, providing the positions and benefits of all three. There is no other carrier available like it (a ready to wear wrap.) that enables parents and caregivers to comfortably carry infants and toddlers (from birth to 3 years) in multiple positions. The K'tan carrier is ideal for premature babies and babies with special needs. It is lightweight and compact like a sling, yet goes over both shoulders to evenly distribute baby's weight like a structured carrier. The adjustable back support band offers the wearer extra back support and makes it easy to adjust baby or toddler's weight distribution on both shoulders. The exclusive design offers the wearer a certified 100% organic cotton carrier that is ready to wear, with NO buckles, snaps, rings or hardware. Extremely simple to use, the secret behind this parent invented, ready to wear baby carrier is its unique double loop design, which gives added security for carrying baby and privacy for mom while nursing. It is easy to put on and take off, and comes in a free carry bag. Baby K'tan, LLC uses GOTS certified 100% organic cotton free of harmful chemicals, formaldehydes and azo dyes..Sizing Tip: The Baby K'tan Baby Carrier is like a piece of clothing. Like your favorite pair of jeans, when you wash your jeans, especially on warm or hot, there is a bit of shrinkage and they may feel snug. However, when you wear them, they will give a bit. If you feel that your carrier is too snug, you can rewash the carrier and instead of machine drying, hang dry the carrier so it doesn't have the normal shrinkage.
    Brand: Baby K'tan, Model: BKBC-NO-M, Color: Natural, Size: Medium

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