Baby Care Play Mat (Large, CountryTown - Pink)

Baby Care
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  • Soft floor surface for babies and children to play on from birth to school
  • Hygienic and safe (Tested to European Toy Standards EN71)
  • The cushioned surface ensures a soft landing for rolling, tumbling, and falls
  • Waterproof and easy to clean: Wipe with a soft damp cloth for food and drink
  • Perfect for reducing noise and impact, and a great insulator on all floor surfaces

  • Developed specifically for growing babies and children, BABYCARE Baby Play Mat provides hygienic and safe floor space for the family with small ones. Babies and children can play safely on the floor, with stimulating and vibrant colors, characters, and educational elements like letters and numbers. This Play Mat is an essential item for the safe growth and development of your baby and toddler. It protects children from hard floor surfaces, protecting wrists and knees from potential impacts and injuries from crawling, standing up, and falling. Simply lay it out in bedrooms, living rooms, play rooms or any area for the playing times and much more!
    Brand: Baby Care, Color: CountryTown - Pink, Size: Large

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