Baby Buddy Size-It Closet Organizers - Baby Clothes Closet Dividers – Nursery Clothing Organization for Babies and Kids up to Size 8, Sage, 5 Count

Baby Buddy
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Brand Baby Buddy
Model 00186S
Color Sage
Size 1 Pack

  • No more closet mess and save Mom's time- Organize and find baby clothes quickly and easily; keep your child's wardrobe neat and orderly.
  • Children's sizes are constantly changing- Closet dividers will help you keep track of which clothing are what size, from infants and newborn size to toddler and kid sizes.
  • Baby Buddy's sturdy flexible dividers easily fit standard rods and wire shelving closets for all hanging clothes storage, simply hang between the hangers.
  • Set includes 5 dividers, pre-printed removable labels for size Newborn to Size 8, and 6 blank write-on labels coming in a variety of colors for boy or girl.
  • Lead, phthalate, and BPA free plastic, Made in USA

  • A Baby Buddy best seller. It doesn't take long for a little one's closet to become a jumble of clothing in many different sizes. These size dividers make it simple to keep the whole wardrobe neat and orderly. As a busy new parent, the constant search for fresh and clean clothes, in a size that fits, can be chaotic. But you'll be able to find your kids' clothes faster and easier, and eliminate the chaos, by organizing your kids closets using Baby Buddy Size-It Closet Organizer Dividers. Baby Buddy Children's Closet Organizers are easy-to-use size dividers for the hanging rod of your child's closet. The size dividers make it easy to keep the clothes in your kids closets organized by size, from infant through childhood, or you can organize by color, day of the week, season, or anything that makes sense to you. Baby Buddy Children's Closet Organizers are available in assorted colors, so you can choose a color that suits you and your child. If two children share a closet, then two sets of Children's Closet Organizers in different colors can be especially useful for keeping each child's clothing separate and organized. Set includes five plastic size dividers, removable labels for 15 sizes (newborn through size 8), and six blank write-on labels. Check out all of our new color options. Made in USA. Check out our other Baby Buddy products because Every Baby Needs a Buddy.

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