STEP STOOL - Great for getting into cupboards, painting ceilings, cleaning ceiling fans, or helping kids reach the sink.
DIMENSIONS - 9 x 11.5 inches.
CONVENIENT - Built-in carry handles, folds up for easy storage, lightweight.
EASY-TO-USE - Skid resistant top and cushioned feet prevent slippage.
HEAVY DUTY - Holds up to 300 pounds.
B & R Plastics EASY FOLD Folding Step Stool is the ideal solution for anyone who needs an efficient way to safely access objects that are just out of reach. Compact and lightweight, the EASY FOLD stool is safer than a chair and more convenient than a step ladder. Unlike other step stools on the market, it also leaves a smaller storage footprint, thanks to its innovative, collapsible design. Made in the U.S.A, the EASY FOLD brand is the original folding step stool, dating back to its first model back in 2000. Brand: B & R Plastics Inc, Model: 101-6G-GREEN, Color: Green, Size: 9"
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