B-Grip Camera Belt Grip

SKU: EZFB003N7P994
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  • Any configuration of the camera is possible, flash, zoom, additional batteries B-grip supports up to 17.5 lbs.
  • It adapts therefore to every need of transport including big video cameras

  • b-grip by CPtech is the innovative system for carrying a DSLR Cameraon your hip. A universal carrying system in which your DSLR does notdepend on laces, neck straps or a bag...Made with the highest quality materials b-grip guarantees comfort, safetyand on the fly availability of your DSLR. This translates into a purelypleasurable photographic experience in every condition of use.The camera is directly connected to the body allowing a freedom ofmovement and availability which has never been available before. Thecamera does not swing continuously into the body when you are movingaround. Its small form factor makes b-grip unobtrusive and alwaysavailable for a an unsurpassed ease of use. b-grip will accomodatemost configurations including flash, Zoom lens and a battery grip. b-gripsupports a weight up to 17.64 lbs and adapts to the needs of professionaland recreational photographers alike.The b-grip development has been made with several tests and ergonomicstudies. The high quality standard is guaranteed by the experience of CP Tech a leading company in the production of plastic injection.
    Brand: Adorama

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