AZ Patio Heaters Fire Pit Fire Glass in Bahama Blend, 10 Pounds

AZ Patio Heaters
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  • Fire glass is very easy to maintain because it emits no ash, soot, or smoke. Thus you can spend more time enjoying your fire pit/place and less time cleaning it
  • Our fire glass is not just exquisite to behold, it is also very practical. It does a wonderful job of covering the entire floor of a fire feature, effectively hiding the unseemly pipes and tubes
  • Heat Rating: Higher temperature when compared to logs, lava rocks, stones, etc.
  • Ideal for both indoor or outdoor environments, fire glass may be used in either natural gas or propane fires
  • Available in 10 and 20 pounds

  • Do you still use ceramic logs and fire stones in your fire feature If you do, then isn't it high time you change over to fire glass which is a much more aesthetic and efficient alternative Introduce yourself to fire which will turn even the humblest of fireplaces into a dazzling work of art. This fire glass is definitely one of our best sellers, being a favorite among homeowners and designers alike. When the flames blaze over the bed of fire glass, it creates the illusion of fire dancing on ice, leaving onlookers mesmerized! 1/3-Inch Recycled Fire glass is a beautiful addition to your fireplace or fire pit. Fireplace Glass and Fire Pit Glass are growing in popularity as ceramic logs and lava rock are becoming a thing of the past. Adding one of our 12 colors of Fire glass to your decor will give your entertaining areas new life and a modern look. Flames dance and flicker on luminous jewel-like glass, turning your fireplace or fire pit into a unique piece of art. Fireplace Glass and Fire Pit Glass are formulated for long-term heat consumption. It will not melt or degrade and will last virtually a lifetime.
    Brand: AZ Patio Heaters, Model: RGLASS-BB, Color: Bahama Blend, Size: 10 lb.

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