A rocket-powered ski-racing filler card game where you must escape the yeti and the avalanche to win!
Ages 8 and up
Number of Players: 1-5
Playing Time: 15-30 minutes
It's a race to the finish when some super-smart, yet somehow clueless, engineering students invent rocket-powered skis and decide to test them out at Yeti Mountain! In Avalanche at Yeti Mountain, players play dual-use cards - the same cards used to make up the ski slopes of Yeti Mountain - to determine their speed in a race down the mountain. If players collectively exceed the speed limit, which is determined by the number of players, the fastest players crash, only moving one space forward towards the goal. Players may also activate rocket jumps to overshoot the competition but at the expense of causing an avalanche to begin chasing them down the mountain. If that's not enough tension, rocket jumps are possible only if the Yeti, awoken from his slumber by all of the rocket-powered racket, doesn't attack and deactivate players' rocket-powered skis! The last skier standing, or the skier who makes it to the bottom of Yeti Mountain, wins the game. Brand: Green Couch Games, Model: GCG004
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