Auralex Acoustics Studiofoam Wedgies Acoustic Absorption Foam, 2" x 12" x 12", 24-Panels, Charcoal

Auralex Acoustics
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  • Great performance at a low cost
  • Smaller panels offer more options for placement and design
  • Class B fire rating
  • NRC of .80
  • Includes: (24) 2" x 12" x 12" Thick Studiofoam Panels""- 24 Square Feet"

  • Standing waves, room modes, acoustic reflections — these are all just fancy ways of talking about why your sound sucks if you don't have the right acoustic treatment. The bottom line is that you're going to need to do something about those blank walls that bounce sound around your studio. If you've been looking into it, you've probably noticed that most companies charge an arm, a leg, and maybe a kidney or two for acoustic treatment. So what's the alternative, egg cartons Only if you want to turn your studio into a giant blazing deathtrap. Luckily, the wonderful people at Auralex sleep better at night by offering excellent, safe, and easy-to-install Studiofoam treatment. With just a pack or two of Studiofoam on your walls, you'll hear a night-and-day difference in your sound. So, say goodbye to bad reflections, and say hello to Auralex Studiofoam.
    Brand: Auralex Acoustics, Model: WEDGIE-24, Color: Charcoal, Size: 24 Pack

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