Augshy 40 Pack Slime Storage Containers with Lids Foam Ball Storage Containers for 2oz Slime Foam Balls Buttons Pins

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  • Total 40 pcs plastic foam ball slime storage containers with lids,40 containers and 40 lids.
  • Good sealability and thick containers, no leaks or drips, great for storing slime for a few months and it didn't dry out at all.
  • Washable and reusable, when in no use, just stack up, translucent material, easy to classify, upper caliber 7.2 cm / 2.8 inches, lower caliber 5.8 cm / 2.3 inches, height 2.7 cm / 1.1 inches.
  • Great container for holding slime! They will also work for smaller buttons, stickers, etc. Also well for classroom project
  • Made of transparent and recyclable PP, allows you to label and classify your various colors slime foam balls

  • 40 pack clear foam ball storage containers with lids for 2oz slime, enough number, really convenient to classify your various colors slime foam balls. Made of transparent and recyclable PP, stackable, washable, reusable,allows you to label and classify your various colors slime foam balls. Great container for holding slime! They will also work for smaller buttons, stickers, etc. Also well for classroom project . Good sealability and thick containers, no leaks or drips, great for storing slime for a few months and it didn't dry out at all. Specifications: Upper Caliber : 7.2 cm / 2.8 inch Lower Caliber : 5.8 cm / 2.3 inch Height : 2.7 cm / 1.1 inch Material: PP Color: Clear Package includes: 40 x Clear foam ball storage containers 40 x Lids
    Brand: Augshy

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