Audio Technica Microphone Shock Mount

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  • Spring Clip will fit most tapered and cylindrical microphones
  • Allows for insertions and removal of microphones without having to detach cable

  • Attenuates noise, shock and vibration transmitted through mic stands, booms and mounts. Accepts cylindrical and tapered microphones. Permits easy microphone insertion and removal without detaching mic cable. Compatible with 5/8'-27 threaded stands. A Word About Audio-Technica Audio-Technica has been dedicated to advancing the art and technology of electro-acoustic design and manufacturing since 1962. From a beginning in state-of-the-art phono cartridges, A-T has expanded over the years into high-performance headphones, microphones, mixers and electronic products for home and professional use. In each new area the goal has been to create innovative, problem-solving products. The results of these engineering and production efforts can be seen in the effective use of A-T products in a broad spectrum of applications. Audio-Technica microphones, for example, are found in daily use in major broadcast and recording studios, and relied upon by top touring musicians. A-T mics are chosen for important installations and major events, such as the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate, the Super Bowl, World Cup Soccer and the Olympics. Whether in the home, or in schools and universities, boardrooms, council chambers or places of worship, Audio-Technica products are providing superior performance and exceptional value worldwide.
    Brand: Audio-Technica, Model: AT8410A, Color: black

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