ORGANIZATION - these small and durable storage bins allow you to store up to 72 discs in 36 double insert movie sleeves. This means you can say good bye to those stacks of movie and video game cases all over your office or home.
SPACE SAVING DESIGN - the disc bin can be used as video game storage, CD storage, DVD strorage, Blu Ray storage or computer disc storage. The compact design offers you a great way to save space on your desk or in your office by storing 72 discs in a small space.
QUALITY - the attractive storage bin is made of leatherette front and has quality stitching offering years of use to safely protect your valued collection.
PROTECT YOUR COLLECTION - the easy visibility and access allows you to index your collection and keep your discs free some dust and scratches to enjoy a lifetime of use.
CUSTOMER SERVICE - our Customer Service team, based right here in the U.S.A. works hard to provide support for a wide assortment of items. For more than 30 years, California based Atlantic, Inc., receive calls with various questions about our products and we apply our best possible efforts to deliver the best possible solution for your purchase.
The Movie Bin with Sleeves for 72 Movies can be used on Media Storage shelves. Pull strap for easy access and a window for index label to quickly find what you want. Durable wood frame construction. Brand: Atlantic, Model: 9663-5585, Color: Black
Custom Tab 01
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