Ashley Furniture Signature Design - Bolanburg Upholstered Dining Room Bench - Two-tone - Textured Antique White Finish

Signature Design by Ashley
In Stock


Brand Signature Design by Ashley
Model D647-00
Color Cottage White
Size 15.13"D x 50.13"W x 19.5"H

  • UPHOLSTERED DINING ROOM BENCH: Incredibly versatile with limitless possibilities. This wooden bench looks beautiful set in an entry way, eat-in kitchen or dining space
  • BEAUTIFULLY CRAFTED: Made of veneers, wood and engineered wood in a textured antique white finish. Upholstered in a heavy woven fabric
  • COTTAGE CHIC CHARM: The subtly weathered finish, rich textures and nailhead trim accents create a look brimming with trendy farmhouse flair
  • LONG DINING BENCH: Dining benches in lieu of chairs maximizes space when hosting large groups. Comfortably seats up to 2 people and measures 50.25" W x 15.25" D x 19.5" H
  • ASSEMBLY REQUIRED: Easy-to-follow instructions and hardware included. Screwdriver (not included) is needed for assembly. Matching dining table available and sold separately
  • DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER: Ashley Furniture goes the extra mile to package, protect and deliver your purchase in a timely manner
  • BUY WITH CONFIDENCE: Designed and manufactured by Ashley Furniture Industries. The trusted source for stylish furniture, lighting, rugs, accessories and mattresses. For every taste and budget. Since 1945

  • Dine in the rustic charm of the unique Boalsburg bench. The cushioned seat, upholstered in a heavy woven fabric, seats two comfortably. A textured antique white finish coats the rest of the bench creating a vintage two-tone look that will endure for years.

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