Artistic wire is available in the largest selection of exclusive silver plated colors and gauges, which offer striking beauty and shine
The silver plating beneath the color adds an incredible high-shine and brilliance to the wire
Make a statement by adding drama to your design by using contrasting colors
Artistic wire is available in the largest selection of standard colors and in a variety of rich metallic and soft matte finishes. Choose colors that complement one another to achieve warm, colorful designs. Or, make a statement and add drama to your designs by using contrasting colors. The only limit in working with colored wire is your imagination. Non-tarnish brass resembles gold and will retain its finish and shine due our proprietary non-tarnish finish. Tinned copper, bare copper, and bare brass are part of the standard color series, and are the only three colors without our unique tarnish-resistant coating. These wires will patina, or naturally oxidize and darken with time to provide a vintage look. Non-tarnish brass resembles gold and will retain its finish and shine. Brand: Artistic Wire, Model: AWS-18S-03-20FT
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