Artbin Quick View Deep Base Carrying Case-15x3.25x14.375 Translucent

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Brand ArtBin
Model FBA_6962AB
Color clear

  • Description coming soon

  • ARTBIN-QucikView Carrying Case. Crafters can never have too much storage for all their little trinkets and embellishments and the features of this durable translucent plastic case are many! The hinged lid is held shut with two sliding closures and while not necessary to keep it secure they each have a hole that can be used to further lock it if desired (lock not included). Inside the case is a 14x11-1/4x1-1/4 inch lift out tray - no dividers make it great for storing larger items. Under the tray is a divided section: five fixed walls spaced 2 inches apart each with slots for removable smaller dividers. When all optional dividers are placed there are a total of eight 2x3-3/8X1-3/4 inch sections; twelve 2x2-1/4X1-3/4 sections; one 1-1/4x14X1-3/4 inch section; and one 2-1/2x14X1-3/4 inch section with a 1x4-1/2 inch indent for the handle. This package contains one 14-1/2x15-1/4x3-1/2 inch case and sixteen 1-3/4x2 inch removable dividers. Made in USA/Imported.

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