ARP (200-2805) Flywheel Bolt Kit

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Brand ARP
Model 200-2805


  • Top Fuel L19 with washers (260,000 psi), 1.000" Under Head Length, 1/2"-20" Thread Size, Pro Series ARP Flywheel Bolt Kit 200-2805ARP Flywheel bolts play an important role in the performance and safety of race cars and street machines alike. That's why the fastener experts at ARP have developed special bolts that are far superior to OEM hardware. ARP offers two styles of ARP Flywheel bolts bolts: High Performance and Pro Series. Both ARP Flywheel bolts are forged from aerospace alloy and heat-treated prior to thread rolling and machining. Both feature an exclusive, flat, 12-point head design and larger than stock shank diameter for increased strength nd improved flywheel register.The popular ARP High Performance series is rated at 180,000 psi, and the premium grade ARP Pro Series, originally developed for NASCAR Winston Cup competition, has a 200,000 psi rating. Complete with washers and nuts where applicable.NOTE: The thread size of metric fasteners is listed using international designations. For example, "M10" indicates a 10mm thread size.

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