Arlington DBHR1C-1 Low Profile IN BOX Electrical Box with Weatherproof Cover for Flat Surface Retrofit Construction, 1-Gang, Horizontal, Clear

Arlington Industries
Out Of Stock


  • IN BOX's one-piece assembly replaces the installation of an electrical box, siding block, an bubble cover assembly
  • installs in the wall, so less of it shows outside
  • use the retrofit inbox on plywood, T-111, and other flat surfaces
  • Cover is removable for easier device installation
  • No gaskets required

  • One-piece, recessed electrical box with weatherproof-in-use extra-duty cover for flat surfaces in existing construction. Non-metallic cover and base. Accepts most single gang wiring devices and uses standard indoor wall plates or a GFCI cover plate. Box and white cover are textured/ paintable. UV rated plastic for long outdoor life. Features and Benefits
  • IN BOX's one-piece assembly replaces the installation of an electrical box and bubble cover assembly.
  • Installs in the wall, so less of it shows outside.
  • Use the retrofit IN BOX on plywood, T-111, and other flat surfaces.
  • Install option: Cover is removable for easier device installation.
  • No gaskets required.
  • Horizontal InBox.
  • White with Clear Cover.

  • Brand: Arlington Industries, Model: DBHR1C-1, Color: Clear, Size: Horizontal/1-Gang

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