Aquaphor Baby Healing Ointment Advanced Therapy 2 tubes 0.35 oz(Packs of 3)

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  • Pediatrician recommended
  • Clinically proven to restore smooth, healthy skin Uniquely formulated with 41% Petrolatum to allow oxygen to flow and help heal the skin
  • Skin protectant ointment with Panthenol and Glycerin to moisturize, nourish and protect the skin to enhance healing
  • Relieves diaper rash within 6 hours

  • Aquaphor Baby Healing Ointment is the #1 Pediatrician Recommend Moisturizer Brand for chapped, irritated skin. It is clinically proven to help relieve diaper rash within 6 hours! It's gentle formula is fragrance, preservative and dye-free, so it is ideal for treating your baby's sensitive skin. Aquaphor Baby Healing Ointment also protects delicate skin to soothe and help heal drool rash, dry, cracked or irritated skin. It can also be used to prevent diaper rash before it starts and to help make diaper change clean up easier!
    Brand: Aquaphor, Model: BEIERSDORF415083, Size: 2 Count Package (Pack of 3)

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