Anti-radiation & Battery Salvage Sticker for Cell Phones - Cut down on Radiation inatake, Radiation is Cumulative!

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  • Reduces Electromagnetic Radiation by 96.43%
  • Increases the talk time and stand-by time of your mobile phone
  • Prolong the life span of a new cell phone battery
  • Increases the life span of an old cell phone battery
  • Can decrease issues such as headache, insomnia, and hair loss caused by mobile phone radiation

  • The Anti-Radiation & Battery Salvage Sticker is a small, 2 inch decal that is placed on the battery of your mobile phone.This product will reduce Electromagnetic Radiation by 96.43%.Mobile phone users without the Anti-Radiation & Battery Salvage Sticker are at risk for absorbing cell phone radiation, which is cumulative and never released from the body.Are you concerned about the health issues that we are subjecting ourselves to when using our mobile phonesRadiation is released by mobile phones, which affects the function of our central nervous systems.The Anti-Radiation and Battery Salvage Shield acts as a barrier between your mobile phone and your brain to absorb 96.43% of the radiation emitted.Other advantages of the Anti-Radiation & Battery Salvage Sticker include decrease in headaches, insomnia, and hair loss.The Anti-Radiation & Battery Salvage Sticker activates the flow of li-ion in the battery of your mobile phone.This allows waste matter that builds up inside a rechargeable battery over time to move more freely, which forces the ion flow to be more efficient.
    Brand: Fonesafe, Model: 4327043712

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