Animals with Fun Facts with Spanish and French Translations for each Animal By Flash of Brilliance

Flash of Brilliance
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  • Full-color photographs of real animals, not cartoons or stuffed toys
  • Thick and durable cards that children love to touch
  • Animal names in English, French and Spanish to maximize language skills
  • Fun and educational facts that round-out your child's knowledge
  • Each cards comes with pronunciation key for the Spanish and French translation of each Animal.

  • Give your child a Flash of Brilliance... Children have a tremendous capacity for expanding their knowledge, especially during their first six years. That's when they are most eager to learn new things, and playing with flashcards is an excellent way to satisfy their natural curiosity. Flash of Brilliance flashcards have many special features that improve on the traditional flashcard, so you can take full advantage of your child's instinctive leaning abilities: • Full-color photographs of real animals, not cartoons or stuffed toys • Thick and durable cards that children love to touch • Animal names in English, French and Spanish to maximize language skills • Fun and educational facts that round-out your child's knowledge • Each cards comes with pronunciation key for the Spanish and French translation of each Animal. These colorful and informative animal flashcards will last for years. You and your child will be delighted in new ways every time you use them. So share them with a sense of wonder and joy, and watch as your child's intelligence, vocabulary and love of learning grows.
    Brand: Flash of Brilliance, Model: 1

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