Hollywood Movie Centerpiece Kit features table decorations with Hollywood movie reels and scene markers in silver, black, gold with 'Lights, Camera, Action! logo in red.
Made of foldable thick paper and metallic foil.
Contains: (1) 12 3/4" Silver fringed Hollywood centerpiece, (2) Movie reel stand-up cutout centerpieces, 6 1/4in(20) 2" Hollywood stars and movie camera paper table scatters,
Available in singles.
The fabulous world of movies is filled with tinsel and stars so don't be left out. Get this Hollywood Movie Centerpiece Kit to liven up your tables. It's a “reel” stunner on every table it'll grace. This set includes one big 3D clapperboard, movie reels and stars cutout standee complete with silver fringe, and two pieces of 3D film reel standees with the headline “Lights, Camera, Action!” . Don't forget the confetti! Sprinkle some tiny stars and movie cameras on your tables to brighten them up. It'll be a celebration worthy for the silver screen. Brand: Amscan, Model: 289731, Color: Multi Color, Size: Assorted Sizes
Custom Tab 01
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