AMETHYST Cluster (1 lb to 1.5 lbs) Own a larger piece of this beautiful purple crystal cluster. Expand your collection! An exclusive offering of Superior Specimens. Plus, BONUS Selenite wand!

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  • BASALT BASE. Your 4" or larger amethyst cluster is supported by the original basalt mineral where the crystals grew. The base is precision cut to stand up safely as a display. The SUPERIOR SPECIMENS brand is GUARANTEED 100% natural with no dyes.
  • BONUS: Receive a SELENITE, ROSE QUARTZ or other specimen as a special thank you.
  • ASSEMBLED IN THE USA. Your purchase employs special skills adults who inspect and pack our products.
  • SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - Your purchase will be happily refunded for any reason.
  • DON'T BE FOOLED - Some sellers show one thing BUT send another. Every SUPERIOR SPECIMENS is inspected before we pack it and it is guaranteed..

  • SUPERIOR QUALITY. You are purchasing the highest quality amethyst available anywhere. GUARANTEED. We can guarantee your purchase because each cluster has been opened, inspected and properly protected in preparation for shipment to you. It might surprise you to know that some larger companies never even look at the product after they receive it or before they ship it. SPECIFICATIONS. Your cluster will be 500 to 750 grams. (1lb to 1.5 lbs) Approximately 4 to 6 inches height. Prepare to enjoy the powerful beauty of superior quality amethyst for a lifetime. THANK YOU. A portion of the proceeds from your purchase will support a special needs community who helped assemble the kit here in the USA.
    Brand: Superior, Color: Deep Purple Amethyst, Size: 500 grams to 750 grams

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