American Educational 310 Basic Transparent Celestial Globe, 12" Diameter

American Educational Products
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  • Transparent 12" celestial globe maps constellations for students studying astronomy in grades 5-12
  • Printed 4" earth globe and 3/4" yellow sun mounted inside the star globe rotate independently and demonstrate the earth's apparent relationship to the stars, planets, and galaxies
  • Poles adjust for the month and day to show the positions of the stars relative to the calendar
  • Teacher's guide provides 13 activities and seven student worksheets
  • Includes base for stability

  • The American Educational 310 transparent 12" celestial globe includes an earth globe, sun globe, and a teacher's guide. The celestial globe maps constellations for students studying astronomy in grades 5-12. It contains a printed 4" earth globe and 3/4" yellow sun mounted inside the star globe that both rotate independently and demonstrate the earth's apparent relationship to the stars, planets, and galaxies. Adjustments at the poles for the month and day show the positions of the stars relative to the calendar. A teacher's guide provides 13 activities and seven student worksheets. The globe comes with a base for stability.

    Science education products incorporate applied math and science principles into classroom and homeschool-based projects. Teachers in pre-K, elementary, and secondary classrooms use science education kits and products alongside science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) curriculum to demonstrate STEM concepts and real-world applications through hands-on activities. Science education projects include a broad range of activities, such as practical experiments in engineering, aeronautics, robotics, energy, chemistry, physics, biology, and geology.

    American Educational Products manufactures learning materials in math, science, and reading/language arts for students in pre-kindergarten through grade 12. The company, founded in 1986, is headquartered in Fort Collins, CO.

    What's in the Box

  • 310 transparent celestial globe
  • Base
  • Teacher's guide

  • Brand: American Educational Products, Model: 310

    Custom Tab 01

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