24 inches by 30 inches by 1 5/8 inch deep cradled painting panel
Manufactured from high quality poplar cradle and clear birch face
Smooth sanded solid wood cradle for strength; no frames needed to hang effortlessly
Natural finish ready to accept and primer needed but not necessary for some applications; made in USA
Actual weight 3 pounds
American Easel's wooden panels, our alternative to the standard canvas, gives you a firm painting surface and does not allow flexing or stretching as standard canvases do. The face of each panel is made from top quality birch and the frame is constructed of a smooth solid wood cradle (frame around the back) which provides a strong foundation, ensures against warping, and makes for easy hanging. Smooth sanded edges allow your creation to flow beyond the face of the panel. Wooden panels are quickly becoming the preferred surface for many artists. Brand: American Easel, LLC., Model: AE2430D, Color: Natural, Size: 24x30 in
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