American Crafts DIY Shop Chalkboard Paint by 16.5 ounces, Black

American Crafts
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  • ADD INTEREST AND APPEAL TO ANY SPACE: This black chalkboard paint can be used on walls, doors, paper, wood and so much more. Be sure to test a small area before wider application.
  • WRITE FUN, CHANGEABLE MESSAGES ANYWHERE: Create the perfect surface for messages of any occasion. Once paint had dried, use chalk or chalk markers and get creative. When you're done, erase and start again!
  • PAINT ON ANYTHING: Make anything a chalkboard for personalized messages. Perfect for cards, lunch sacks, placemats and more.

  • DIY Shop Chalkboard Paint by American Crafts allows you to paint any surface and turn it into a fun chalkboard, ready for your creative touch. Personalize a message to your kids on their lunch sacks. Create a unique placemat for any holiday or special occasion. Make cards, decorations and party favors exciting and perfect. Cover a door or wall with one-of-a-kind artwork and when you're finished, erase and start again!
    Brand: American Crafts, Model: 366867, Color: Black

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