Ambir Technology TravelScan Pro 600ix Sheetfed Scanner - 600 dpi Optical PS600IX-AS

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  • Works anywhere you do. The TravelScan Pro 600ix is a rugged, simplex document and card scanner. It can scan a document in about 10 seconds. Because it's USB-powered, you'll never need to search for an outlet. And at just under two pounds and about 12" long, it fits in any laptop bag and never weighs you down. Note, model PS600IX-AS is not compatible with Athena, Omnitracs or Innsoft software products.
  • Complete Solution. The included AmbirScan Lite capture software is not only easy to use, it's productive too! Save your scanned documents as PDF, TIF or JPG and automatically save them to any folder on your computer or popular cloud services including: Box, DropBox, Evernote and Google Drive. Also include is NewSoft Presto! PageManager 9, an easy-to-use, document management application that: scans, previews, converts and saves your paper and electronic documents.
  • Designed to work. Built to last. In the office or on the road, the TravelScan Pro 600ix adapts to any task or placement. A compact footprint ensures it fits on cramped desks, busy registration areas and mobile carts. Rugged construction means it stands up to continuous use in commercial applications.
  • Scan anything, anywhere. Paper documents. Receipts. Insurance cards. The TravelScan Pro 600ix captures it all, creating high quality images in color, grayscale or black & white. No matter what you're scanning, the TravelScan Pro 600ix does it anywhere there's a USB connection.
  • Compatible. The TravelScan Pro 600ix TWAIN driver ensures it's compatible with thousands of healthcare and document management solutions. Citrix Ready insures no hassle installation and use in Citrix environments. Built-in automatic image enhancement insures high quality images, fewer rescans and high OCR accuracy.

  • Simplex Document & Card Scanner with AmbirScan. If you are looking for an Ambir or Docketport scanner model that works with Athena, Omnitracs or Innsoft software products, this product is NOT compatible. Please contact an Omnitracs or Innsoft authorized reseller to purchase the scanner you need. Athena customers may contact Ambir Customer Service at 630-530-5400, option 1.
    Brand: Ambir, Model: PS600IX-AS

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