If you connect your device to the Universal Dock or a compatible home stereo, powered speakers, or TV set with an IR port, the remote lets you experience your songs, slideshows and more from across the room.
The Remote requires a Mac with an IR port (most Macs made after 2005). FrontRow control does not work with Mac OS X Lion or later.
The AMAZSHOP247 Apple Remote gives you total command of your Mac's music, photos, videos and DVDs via FrontRow-a menu-based, full-screen interface-to make accessing the digital content on your Mac simple.
AMAZSHOP247 Apple Remote with Mac: Control audio volume, play, pause, and control music and videos, or even put your Mac to sleep from anywhere in the room.
The Apple Music System Remote Control gives you total command of your music, photos, videos, and DVDs from anywhere in the room. It works with Front Row a menu based, full screen interface to make accessing the digital content on your Mac as simple as navigating your iPod. Apply TV 2 remote. Sometimes you need do as follow: To pair Apple TV, you need set the SAT of remote to Apple TV first, then press and hold the Menu and Right buttons for 6 seconds to pair! Brand: AMAZSHOP247, Model: apple01
Custom Tab 01
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