Al's Liner ALS-BL Black Premium DIY Polyurethane Spray-On Truck Bed Liner Kit, With FREE Adhesion Promoter and Small Mix Paddle, Great for Rocker Panels, Bed Rails, and Full Vehicle Sprays - 1 Gallon

Al's Liner
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  • Three-part blended polyurethane high solids coating
  • Can be applied at any thickness in virtually any texture or color
  • Pour components B, C and Tint into component A and mix
  • UV Stable and Will not Fade; Prevents Rust; Resistant to Gasoline, Oil, Chemicals, and Solvents
  • Great for Rocker Panels, Bed Rails, Fender Wells, Full Vehicle Sprays and More

  • The product was originally called The Automotive Liner System or ALS, which morphed into 'Al's' Liner. Al's Liner was designed to prevent rust and other damage. It can be used as a truck bed liner or a protective coating for anything under the sun. We have had hundreds of pictures sent to us from customers using our spray-in liner to protect everything from truck beds to light posts and even rifle stocks. Coat virtually any surface using Al's Liner kit, including wood, metals, and fiberglass.


    Al's Liner is a batch mix system, meaning that you can mix as much or little as you need for your project. The three standard components come separate and ready to mix. All the kits are tintable - either modify the tint that is included in your kit or simply discard it and create your own for a truly customized color. Al's Liner recommends using base automotive pigments to ensure a thorough saturation of the material for a true color match.


    If your project demands a certain finish for tougher protection or a smoother match to your substrate, Al's Liner offers a range of accessories and additives that allow you to duplicate the texture and hardness of any bed liner on the market. With a genuine user-friendly design, your Al's Liner Truck Bed Liner Kit can be applied without the expensive personal protective equipment that other kits require.


    Al's Liner is the first and only urethane/acrylic DIY bed liner kit that delivers quality protection that meets or exceeds the so-called 'Professional Bed Liners'. Al's has developed a reputation as one of the best protective coatings on the retail market. With a genuine high solids mixture for maximum durability that has been tested by Scorpion on fleets worldwide for over a decade, Al's Liner brings a professional grade protective liner to your truck bed that will last for years to come. With the simple and inexpensive batch system that allows customers to easily mix their liner at home, Al's Liner can be customized to cover a wide array of substrates with any texture, color or thickness you desire. Don't be fooled by solvent based, watered down versions of the real thing. Get lasting protection for your truck bed the way you want it.

    Brand: Al's Liner, Model: ALS-BL, Color: Black

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