Alpine PartyPlug Ear Plugs for Loud Music Environments, Clear

Alpine Hearing Protection
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  • Prevents hearing loss and annoying ringing in ears
  • Preserves music quality
  • Conversations can still be heard
  • Alpine Thermo Shape material allows perfect fit
  • Includes Alpine Miniboxx storage container

  • Everyone loves a concert, a nightclub, a festival, or a performance by your favorite band. At the end of an enjoyable night out, many people experience an irritating ringing in their ears. Loud music and shouting into one another's ears to be heard takes its toll. Protect your hearing from loud music with Alpine Party Plugs. These ear plugs have been developed especially for music lovers who want to protect their ears against excessive noise levels. Extremely well thought-out and extensively tested, the shape of the ear plugs provides a natural flat absorption and a great fit. The high quality acoustic filters in Party Plugs hearing protection reduce the volume of music to a safe level, just like turning down the volume button. Your music experience as well as the sound quality of the music remains excellent. Naturally, you can keep talking to your friends. By wearing Party Plug ear plugs when you go out, you prevent that irritating high pitch noise in your ears. Besides, the ear plugs are barely visible thanks to the unique transparent filters. Party Plug hearing protectors are made of special Alpine Thermo Shape material. This material adapts to the shape of the ears so that you always have the perfect level of noise attenuation. They are also very comfortable to wear. There is no sense of isolation or external pressure on your ears. Alpine Thermo Shape is hypoallergenic. This means you will not experience itching in or around your ears, as is often the case with silicone ear plugs. Rest assured, you can wear Alpine Party Plugs the entire night. For convenient storage, every Party Plug pack contains an Alpine Miniboxx, which easily fits into your pocket or handbag. The largest producer of universal hearing protection with an acoustic filter system, Alpine Hearing Protection offers high quality hearing protection for musicians, children, travelers, water sports enthusiasts, clubbers, motorists and people with sleeping issues.
    Brand: Alpine Hearing Protection, Model: AMS-PARTYPLUG-CLR, Color: Clear

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