All purpose utility shear cuts a variety of materials
Includes 5 replacement blades in storage handle
Rubber grips for comfort and safety
Limited Lifetime Warranty
For nearly 40 years, Allied International has been committed to satisfying what you look for in Hand Tools - products that perform at an outstanding value. We stand behind everything we build and a Guaranteed Forever warranty for the life of the product. This Razor Jaw has a precision ground cutting edges for cutting a variety of material. With its 3.7/8 "blade, give you the extra length to make your cutting project fast and easy. When a new blade is needed just pop open the end of the handle and 4 additional blades are stored. Unscrew the blade holder and within a minute you have a new blade installed. Brand: Allied Tools, Model: 31612, Size: 6pc 3-7/8"
Custom Tab 01
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