Alliance Rubber 20645 Pale Crepe Gold Rubber Bands Size #64, 1 lb Box Contains Approx. 490 Bands (3 1/2" x 1/4", Golden Crepe)

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  • HIGHEST COUNT PER POUND:Alliance Pale Crepe Gold Bands have the highest rubber content, making them stretchier and more durable. You receive a greater count per pound and can even drop back a size for cost savings with these elastic bands.
  • SOFT HOLD: These rubber bands offer a soft hold and easy stretch with an ultimate elongation of 775% from their original size. A soft hold is ideal for avoiding damage to pliable goods.
  • SOFT STRETCH: Pale Crepe Gold elastic bands have a soft stretch, making them ideal for repetitive use tasks. They can help to avoid the strain and injury associated with repetitive banding tasks.
  • IDEAL FOR HOME AND OFFICE: Use these rubber bands in the office to keep mail, folders and paperwork organized and tidy whether you work in a large office or have a home business.
  • MADE IN THE USA: Pale Crepe Gold rubber bands are made in the USA so you know that you're receiving a high quality product, fresher stock and faster service.

  • Alliance Rubber's Pale Crepe Gold rubber bands feature the softest stretch and the highest rubber content. A higher rubber content means a lighter band, greater stretchiness and increased longevity. You receive more bands per pound and can drop back a size for even more cost savings.

    The soft but durable hold makes these rubber bands ideal for use on pliable goods, so they're great for storing and transporting delicate items like food, posters, paperwork and valuable cards.

    The soft stretch of Pale Crepe Gold bands makes them an excellent choice for repetitive tasks. They can help to minimize the stress put on the hands and wrists that can cause repetitive strain injuries in jobs that require banding. The reusable elastic bands can be used again and again while remaining strong and secure.

    These elastic bands are a great general purpose band and are useful for a wide range of tasks around the home, office and workplace.

    Brand: Alliance, Model: 20645, Color: Amber Crepe, Size: 3 1/2 x 1/4 Inches

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