all-sun Digital Multimeter/DMM/Multi Tester Amp/Ohm/Volt Meter/Diode and Continuity Test Pocket Size

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  • Power supplied by 2 pieces 1.5V botton cell.( Move the battery's insulating piece away before using )
  • It owns 3 1/2-digit LCD, with a max reading of 1999.
  • It is easy to carry for its box-type design.
  • Pocket size, but powerful in multi-function.
  • It's for measuring DC/AC voltage,DC current,resistance,diode and continuity.

  • Your search for a portable multi-functional digital multimeter is OVER! If you are now looking for a portable multi-functional digital multimeter, exactly, just choose it The size of the mini delicate multimeter EM3081 is smaller than your phone, which can be carried everywhere in your pocket. Its unique box-type design put the test leads hidden inside the lid,in case of missing or the probe needle hurts you. It is small but functions are powerful. Using automatic chip processing technology, EM3081 can measure the DC/AC voltage, DC current, resistance, diode and continuity. It pasts the CATII safety certification and CE. Order now risk free. It must be a smart choice! It is definitely your wise choice. It features polarity indication,low battery indication,small size,lightness,and uses box- type design. It is easy to carry and is an ideal tool. General Specification  Display: 3 1/2-digit LCD, with a max. Reading of 1999  Overrange Indication: only figure 1 shown on the LCD.  Negative Polarity Indication: Negative sign - displayed automatically  Sampling Rate: About 2 to 3 times/ sec  Low Battery Indication: - shown on the LCD  Battery: 1.5V button cell, LR44 or equivalent, 2 piece ( Move the battery's insulating piece away before using )  Operating Temperature: 0  40, Relative Humidity:<75%rh>75%rh> Storage Temperature:  -10  50, Relative Humidity:< 85%rh="">  Size: 114 x 56 x 23 mm  Weight: about 101g
    Brand: all-sun, Model: EM3081, Color: Black, Size: Small

    Custom Tab 01

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