Akashiya CA200/20V Sai Watercolor Brush Pen - 20 Color Set (1, DESIGN 1)

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Brand Akashiya
Model CA200/20V
Color Seasons

  • Akashiya Sai Watercolor Brush Pen - 20 Color Set

  • Akashiya Sai watercolor brush Pen is a perfect watercolor paint tool for drawing illustration, manga, Comics, and for coloring in adult coloring books. Also great for hand lettering, Japanese calligraphy, etc. Soft and flexible brush tip is carefully hand made by skilled craftsmen one by one. By adjusting the amount of pressure applied, you can draw fine line to bold stroke. High quality aqueous dye ink used for this art pens are all made at the head factory in Japan. It creates unique vibrant colors as you see in traditional Japanese art. This Japanese fude style brush colored Pen can create a beautiful range of shading and watercolor effect when blended with water. Just simply wet the brush tip with water to thin out the ink or use with a water brush to get a natural contrast and gradation. These soft brush paint pens work wonderfully with other drawing media such as pencils, water-resistant art markers or pens to color in the outlines for your Cartoon, manga art, etc. Colors also can be combined with other colors on a palette to create your own new colors. This set includes 20 Japanese traditional colored fude brush pens; rose red, vermillion, yellow, yellow green, green blue, indigo, ultramarine, purple, yellow ochre, brown, gray, black, pink, pale orange, Cerulean blue, Madder, magenta, burnt Umber, dark green and navy blue.

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