Airfix 1:72nd Scale WWII Bristol Beaufighter TF.X Plastic Model Kit

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Brand Airfix
Model A04019

  • 1:72nd Scale WWII Military Aircraft Plastic Model Kit
  • Skill Level: 2
  • Number of Parts: 130
  • Construction and painting required: yes, glue and paints need to be purchased separately
  • Humbrol Paints needed are listed on the outside of the box

  • The Bristol Beaufighter was a WWII British long range heavy fighter, developed from the earlier Beaufort design. Featuring two powerful Bristol Hercules engines, the aircraft gained a fearsome reputation for being both fast and able to deliver a powerful blow from its four 20mm cannons and a choice of either Torpedo or Rocket projectiles. Although developed to be a fighter, and used successfully as a night fighter, it was the TF.X Coastal Command version that was most successful; its range and power enabling it to take a heavy toll of Axis shipping.

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